June 25, 2007

Is it state of Nepali journalism or state of mind?

Hi frens!

I can't avoid going through Nepali newspapers since I am a Nepali citizen. Editorial pages of country's national dailies are filled with articiles and opinions on Prime minister Girija Prasad Koirala's recent remark on 'baby king'. All the articles are based on the hypothesis on what Nepali media reported was true. Forget about these columnists and opinion makers--it is their job to provoke people and are free to make any kind of opinion no matter on what base they are forming their opinion--
Here is what and how nepali dailies carry news....All Nepali media came up with the news quoting Kishore Shrestha, editor of Jana Aastha weekley, populary known as gossip vernacular.
Actually, Koirala was talking to a delegation of Pakistani journalists where representatives of weekly-fortnight newspapers Network of Nepal were also present.
Shrestha was present at the meeting on the capacity of office bearers of the network. After the meeting, he issued a press release quoting Koirala.
All Nepali newspapers came up with the press release. Not a signle reporter of any dailies even bothered to verify with sources near to Koirala. Firends, I know reporters don't have access to Koirala to verify his remark. But, they could have tried to verify it with Dr Suresh Chalise, PM's foreign affairs advisor, who is found to have frequently quoted in Nepali media. They could have also contacted Pakistani journalists to verify it. The release that Shrestha issued might be true. However, with Koirala's denial to have made the remark with reporters, opinions formed on the "forceful hypothesis" that Koirala had said are absolutely ridiculous.
It don't know the fact. Koirala might have told it nor might not. As he himself denied the fact and alleged the reporters of misquoting him due to reporters' "Low English Comprehension Level" , opinion, articles, analysis on "forceful hypothesis" are nonsese.

Am I right friends?


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व्यक्तिगत व्यवसायका लागि ऋण चाहिन्छ? तपाईं आफ्नो इमेल संपर्क भने उपरोक्त तुरुन्तै आफ्नो ऋण स्थानान्तरण प्रक्रिया गर्न